Friday, January 29, 2010

Tööplaan 2010

Tööplaan 2009/10 õ.a.

Tegevus, Aeg Väljundid Seletused,
osavõtjad märkused
1. Projektikohtumine Eestis 16.09-20.09 2009
2. Projektikohtumine Iirimaal 18.11-21.11 2009
3. Projektikohtumine Hispaanias 03.03-07.03 2010
4. Projektikohtumine Saksamaal 26.05-30.05.2010

2008/09 projektiaastast kokkuvõtete tege- Sep-09 PP ettekanne Eesti projektikohtumisel Tuua välja huvitavamad üritused
mine (õpilaste tagasiside lehtede ana- (Hanna-Stina Sonts, Karmen Kaljula)

Kokkuvõte 2008/09 projektiaasta sammu- Sep-09 PP ettekanne Eesti projektikohtumisel
mõõtja ülesandest (Tormi Vahar)

Osalemine energia säästmise program- sept.2009-okt..2009 PP ettekanne Iirimaa kohtumisel Pöörata kodudes suuremat
mis kodudes (8. ja 9. klasside õpilased) (Hanna-Stina Sonts, Karmen Kaljula) tähelepanu energia säästmisele
koostöös lapsevanematega

Sammumõõtja ülesande jätkamine (8a. 8b,8c) sept.2009-apr.2010 Teadustöö koolikonverentsil apr.2010 Teadvustada õpilastele ja nende
klassi õpilastega) PP ettekanne (Tormi Vahar) vanematele aktiivse füüsilise
liikumise vajalikkust

Matk "Loodus linnaruumis" 5-6 klasside 10/23/2009 Koostöö arendamine gümnaasiumi Teadvustada õpilastele Pärnu
õpilastele (juhendavad 11c klassi ja põhikooli õpilaste vahel linna huvitavamaid
õpilased) loodus- ja kultuuriobjekte
(gümnaasiumi õpilased on matka
Osalemine rahvusvahelises interneti- Oct-09 Erinevate riikide õpilaste toitumis-
keskkonnas "Kas Sa toitud tervislikult?" harjumuste võrdlus
(8 ja 9 klassi õpilased)

Tunnikonspektide koostamine sept.2009-nov.2009 PP ettekanded Iirimaa projektikohtumi- Oma maa kultuuri tutvustamine
(ajalugu ja muusika) sel (õp.-d Aira Peterson ja Sirje Trisna) teistele riikodele

Kokkuvõtete tegmine projektikohtumi- Jan-10 PP ettekanne Tutvustada 8 ja 9 klasside õpilas-
misest Iirimaaal õpilase pilgu läbi tele Comenius projekti erinevaid

Parimate rahvuslike -tervislike retsptide jaan.2010-veebr.2010 Kokaraamat Tutvustada erinevate riikide tervis-
kogumise võisrlus (11c klass) likke-rahvuslikke toite (koostis-
osad, kuidas tehakse, idee)

Põhikooli õpilaste toitumise analüüs jaan. 2010-apr.2010 Ettekanne konverentsil
(2008 aastal 7. klassides tehtud
toidupäevikute põhjal)

Fotode konkurss Comenius kalendri jaan.2010-apr.2010 Kalender Erinevate riikide Comenius
jaoks projekti tegevuste propageerimine

Ökobrošüüri koostamine jaan.2010-apr.2010 1 ökobrošüür igast koolist Tutvustada oma kodukoha erilisi
loodus- ja turismiobjekte
Milliseid objekte peksime külasta-
ma, milliseid tegevusi saab seal

Loodusmappide täiendamine jaan.2010-mai2010 Tutvustada õpilastele Pärnumaa
(6b, 8a, 9a, 9c) unikaalseid loodu-ja kultuuriobjete
Oma kodukandi tundmaõppimine

Praktikum tervislikest loodustaimedest, mai 2010-juuni 2010 Tutvumine tervislike toidutaimedega Tutvustada õpilastele unikaalseid
tervislikust looduslähedasest toidust looduses eestimaiseid toidutaimi

Projekti lõpetamine Saksamaal 26.mai-30.mai 2010 Ökobrošüür, tagasiside projektist Ökobrošüüri tutvustamine,tagasi-
sidelehtede analüüs

Õpetajate koosolekud
1.Eesti projektikohtumise kava ja tegevuste sept.2009
arutamine koos Kehtna PK õpetajatega
2.Iirimaa projektikohtumise ülesannete ja 11/4/2009
tegevuste arutamine
3.Hispaania projektikohtumise ülesannete 1/21/2010
ja tegvuste arutamine
4. Saksamaa projektikohtumise ülesanne- märts 2010
te ja tegevuse arutamine

Student reflection

Teacher's reflections sheet


1. Have you followed the plans? If not, why haven’t you done it? Are the goals appropriate?

2. Should the project be changed in any way?

3. Which benefits have the students gained from the activities?

4. How have the students managed their activities?

5. What skills are the students developing or have developed?

6. Is the project contributing to improve the students learning result?

7. Is the communication appropriate and efficient?

8. Are the teachers co-operate?

9. Does the project effect the curriculum?

10. Have you succeeded in include the parents, the community, other schools or other relevant parts.

11. Have the students and the teacher increased their language skills and increased the motivation to learn languages?

12. Have you managed to succeed in making the participants more aware of the European dimension of the education and about different cultures.

13. Have you created the products and results according to the plan?

14. Are the goals appropriate?

Name:________________________________ Date:____________

Project meeting in Spain

Wednesday 3 March Arrive to Ferrol
Teachers go to the hotel ( )
Students to their host families.

4 March Staff: Tour to the school ( ).
Students: go to the first class with their hosts
Welcome to all visitors including introduction by principal and performances by our students
Project activities:
- Development of Switch it off campaign (optional)
- Reflections about project
School provide the lunch
Visitors spend the afternoon in a tour around the city of Ferrol visiting the surroundings: beaches, the estuary, the harbour...
Dinner for teachers in a bar.
Students are with their hosts.

5 March Project activities:
- Recipes. Students present the recipes
- Web report generator: Analysis of results. Students make a poster about healthy food
Visit to the Dockyards and the neighbourhood of La Magdalena
Lunch and visit to Natural Park “Fragas do Eume if the weather is good.
( )
Students go to host families.
Dinner for teachers.

6 March In the morning: Visit to Santiago de Compostela ( ).
Lunch in Santiago, students free, staff in a restaurant
In the afternoon, visit La Coruña: ( ), Visit to Hercules Tower ( ), walking tour, shopping.
Dinner in La Coruña: staff and students
Teachers go to the hotel, students to their hosts.

7 March Departure.

Work plan for second year

Activity/Participants Time Evaluation Comments
Christmas traditions – voluntary activity
December Picture gallery on website, report The German school organizes a Christmas market on 22nd December Photos and comments
Food programme
10 students of different ages
December / January Analysis of eating habit Are there differences between the countries? Programme on website
Collection of recipes
Compulsory for all countries
Deadline: February A recipe book To be sent to Spain Photos, pictures, recipes 2 or 3 of each school
Switch off
January Presentation in Spain Who saves most energy?
Competition Photos, diagrams
Meeting in Spain
3rd – 7th March 2010
Eco -brochure Deadline: May 2010 Is our region a place to spend holidays ‘in harmony with nature’? Which places should be visited?
What activities can be done?
How can nature be protected? Maps, plan of activities (bike tours, walking tours, bus tour), sights should be introduced in that brochure,
at least 10 pages, A5
Calendar Deadline: first week in April To be sent to Germany 12 pictures from all countries which show their activities during the project visits included
Meeting in Germany 26th – 30th May 2010 Final evaluation, reflections,
presentation of eco brochure How do all participants want to present their brochure? Evaluation sheets, see Ireland visit

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Project meeting in Turkey

Minutes of the Comenius Meeting
Turkey, May 2009


Turkey: Serap Noyan

Estonia: Tiiu Leibur, Anu Kusk, Airi Metsaar, Meeli Janes, Kaja Tammetalu

Spain: Maria Jose Campello Navarro, Maria Jose Leira Ambros

Germany: Birgit Kapitza, Annet Friebel, Simone Stefenak

Ireland: Sharon Smith, Aoibheann Murray (Minute taker)

England: Paula Robbins

Website Report Generator – food diaries
This will become available online in the middle of September.
Decisions made:
• Different students to those who undertook the Pedometer tests will be used.
• This activity will be carried out by schools prior to the meeting in Ireland in November.
• Students must go online to complete the form.
• Ten students aged 14 years old are to complete the exercise.

Some countries have already started work on this. It was agreed that the film should be about the local area and each school is to include:
• an introduction about the area;
• details about the history of the region and the school
• and personalities of the region and the school.
The film is to be
• produced by students
• shown by the students at the meeting in Estonia in September.
• The length of the film should be no more than 10 minutes.
Each country is to bring a copy of the dvd for all other countries.

Ecotourism Booklet
The booklet should show details about
• the region
• linking tourism with environmental protection
• how the area looked in the past and
• what will make the region attractive for people to visit.
• what young people can do in the region

This should be no less than 5 pages and no more than 10 pages in length and made as a paper presentation.
The booklet should be ready to be shown at the meeting in Germany in May 2010.

Student Communication
Some countries advised that they would have difficulties in setting up video conferences. It was agreed that teachers will try to encourage students more to communicate with each other. A standardised question sheet could be used for them to send to each other initially. It was agreed that meetings in each country should be more focussed student involvement.

Future Activities – Calendar
Birgit (Germany) has a computer programme which will create the calendar and volunteered to put this together. Up to 12 photographs per school can be sent to Birgit who will then collate them and add them to the calendar. The photographs must be sent by March 2010 at the latest.

Feedback Students and Staff
The Estonian contingency presented pre-prepared feedback sheets for both staff and students to complete following visits to each country. All countries present agreed that these were a very good idea. These will be sent to each school electronically for them to use. They are to be completed by staff and students for each conference and the student findings are to be presented by the students.

Could each school please upload the presentations they make at each meeting up on to the Comenius website so that each country can access them once they return home.

Pedometer Results
A form will be emailed to each school by the Estonian group for the pedometer results to be filled in. This should then be sent back for them to collate the information and carry out comparisons and prepare a summary for the meeting in September.

Final Party in Estonia
Students on the visit to Estonia will be asked to teach a game, song or dance of their nationality to the other students. This should be prepared and presented by the students at the Estonian visit.

Could each school please advise Estonia of the number of students and staff who will be attending the meeting in September by no later than 15th June 2009. A maximum of 3 students please, but the number of staff is unlimited.

Could each school please advise Ireland of the number of students and staff who will be attending the meeting in November by no later than 1st September 2009. Again, a maximum of 3 students please.

Each school should advise Birgit what activities students would like to undertake during their visit to Germany and also what gifts they would like to receive whilst there.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Switch-off week in Estonia

Switch-off week
The purpose of the project

The purpose of the project was to save as much energy as possible by following different types of commands.
Participants of the project
10 families.
6 boys and 4 girls organising in their families.
Organisators of the switch-off week in families were 14-16 years old.
In forms 7 to 9.
Participating homes
9 private houses, 1 apartment.
Well insulated houses.
Different kinds of heating systems.
Different sizes of homes.
Other factors influencing the results
Going over to wintertime.
The switch-off week was mostly on holiday.
Colder weather.
1.Switch off and plug out all electronic equipment at night.
2. Close windows when heating is on.
3. Close curtains in the evening.
4. Use open fire.
5. Switch off lights when not in the room.
6. Decrease house temperature- wear more clothes.
7. Energy saving bulbs.
8. Reduce shower time
9. Kettle fill for needs.


1. Switch off lights when not in the room.
2. Switch off and plug out all electronic equipment at night.
3. Close windows when heating is on.
4. Close curtains in the evening.
5. Use open fire.
6. Decrease house temperature- wear more clothes.
7. Energy saving bulbs.
8. Reduce shower time
9. Kettle fill for needs.



The lights were switched off when no-one was in the room or when leaving room.
4 families out of 10 didn’t plug off electrical equipment.
Windows were closed when homes were heated.
Windows were curtained when the heating was on.
5 families used open fire instead of electrical heating system
Most of the families didn’t agree to lower the temperatures of the rooms and wear more clothes.
4 families out of 10 didn’t use energy saving bulbs, other 6 families did.
7 families saved energy by reducing shower time.
Kettle filled for needs.
Different families saved energyfrom different things.
Families under discussion are already economical.
Not much energy was saved.
Thank you

The student reflection about the Comenius project

The student reflection about the Comenius project
Pärnu Koidula Gymnasium
By Hanna Stina Sonts and Karmen Kaljula

How many students filled the paper:
In total 124 students answered:
• 19% were from grade 2
• 19% were from grade 3
• 6% were from grade 5
• 17.5% were from grade 8
• 7% were from grade 9
• 31.5% were from grade 10
What have we done in the Comenius project concerning the environment?
• 24.5% kept food diaries and analyzed their eating habits.
• 17.5% took part in a nature conference of Estonia’s environment in our school library.
• 56% listened to Merike Merimaa’s lecture about healthy eating.
• 17.5% visited and took part in a lecture in the Minizoo
• 17.5% worked with work sheets in Koidula park
• 19% drew posters to propagate healthy food.
• 50.5% went hiking.
• 19% got to know and observed birds and bird songs
• 19% drew their breakfast in the computer.
• 17.5% went to the park
• 42.5% went to the beach to see the nature.
• 31.5% did the step counter test.
• 31.5% took part in the GMO (genetically modified organisms) lecture.
• 36.5% took trips and were introduced to the conservation areas of Pärnu.
• 31.5% took a trip to Hiiumaa.
• 31.5% took part in the lecture ‘Life richness in vitality’ by Georg Ahel.
• 7% made posters of countries participating in the project.
• 19% took photos of nature.
• 36% observed trees and snails.
• 36% drew pictures and played games.
• 19% cleaned the beach areas
• 19% were introduced the flora and fauna of certain areas.
• 19% drew pictures on sand.
How do you feel about the project?
The thoughts of different students who took part:
• I think this is a very interesting and educating project. I learned a lot about nature.
• Now I know that I don't get enough needed vitamins and nutrients through my food.
• I like it because I got to know about different exotic animals and now know how to choose the right food for me
• The project is educating.
• It’s useful for today’s youngsters.
• It’s a good because I got to know that my diet contains too many fats.
• It’s a good project because it brings diversity to a normal school day
What is good about the project?
The thoughts of different students who took part:
• People get new information about their eating habits and become more aware.
• Getting to know how to eat healthily.
• Getting to know new information about the environment that surrounds us.
• Getting to know why I need different nutrients and vitamins and what should I eat to get enough of them.
• Now I eat more healthfully and try to pollute nature less.
• Now I know more about myself.
• The best thing is that you can visit different countries and get to know more about their culture and people.
• You get to communicate in foreign languages.
• It widens your world-view and develops your communication skills.
• You get to spend time with your frinds.
• Through the step counter test you get to know how much you really walk and how much energy you use.
• Listening to different speeches widens your view of the world.
• Diverse lessons.
• The trip to Hiiumaa was fun.
• Meeting new people.
• You get to do everything yourself.
• Learning new things.
• Going on hikes.
• I liked everything.
What didn’t you like about the project?
• Because some students go to many trainings, they didn't have much time left for the project.
• Though students saw the eatable plants, they don't think they’ll be able to recognize them in nature.
• Some thought that it consumes a lot of time.
• The purpose of the project wasn't often introduced to the students and some of them took part without knowing it.
• The students were said to wake up earlier that usual to listen to the bird songs, but they could even hear some of them after school.
• Some teachers didn't like that students had to miss some classes because of the project.
• Many students didn't find anything to dislike about the project
• Some students don't like to do it from their free time
• Students would like to have more activities.
• Younger students got tired on the hikes so they didn't like the walking part
• Some students find the project boring.
How can it be improved?
• More outdoor activities.
• More information about a healthy lifestyle.
• More information about nature in different places of the world.
• Making experiments in chemistry and physics.
• More information about the culture and nature of other participating countries.
• Making trips and going to the zoo.
• Introduce the point and goals of the project to students.
• More interesting lectures - there were too many facts.
• Some students would like to know more about eating healthfully when they do lots of sports.
• Teachers should be more understanding.
• To improve the webpage so that it would contain more information about the tests and schools.
• For some activities students didn't have enough time to properly organize them.
• Involve more students.
• Do more tests like the step counter test.
• Make more trips.

Estonia - history

Monday, January 4, 2010


Fotokonkurss Comenius kalendri jaoks. Kogusime kokku projektis osalevate õpetajate ja õpilaste fotod seniste tegevuste kohta.
Valisime välja 10 huvitavamat fotot ja saatsime Saksamaale pilootkoolile.

Seinaleht matkast "Loodus linnaruumis"

Eesmärk: tutvustada laiemalt koolis Pärnu linna maastiku-kaitsealasid kui ühte projekti välundit, näidata kaitsealade eripära nii kevadel kui ka talvel.