Teade Comenius tiimile!
Meie kasutame sammumõõtjat Omron HJ-109-E
Antud sammumõõtja arvestab
1) kulutatud kaloreid
2) mõõdab aeroobseid samme
3) viimase 7.päeva andmete mälu
4) näitab kellaaega
5) olemas vööklamber
Eestis on selle sammumõõtja maaletooja AS MEFO, tel. 6707077, http://www.mefo.ee/
Omron on rahvusvaheliselt tuntud meditsiiniseadmeid tootev firma
Hea, kui kõik koolid saaksid kasutada sama tüüpi sammumõõtjaid, siis on andmeid kergem võrrelda. Omroni firma keskused on paljudes Euroopa riikides.
Rahvusvaheline meiliaadress on:
Katsuge endale muretseda sammumõõtjad vähemalt 5 tükki.
We suggest the following plan for using step counters:
1) obtain step counters and read the instruction very carefully
2) form groups of three boys and three girls
14-year- old from Sept-Oct
15-year- old from Nov-Dec
16-year- old from Jan.-Feb.
Eventally we`ll have data of 18 students from each country.
A lot of students could have step counters at home and we can add their results.
Remember! We examine aerobic steps.
Each student uses the step counter 7 days from 8 am-8 pm (12 hours on each day). The student should be instructed by the teacher, who is good at usingi t. Athletes mustn´t take take part in the task.
The hypothesis of the task: children move less. Through the activity we try to prove this fact. More punctual information will be the next week (about notes, data set)