Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Kokkuvõte loodusmatkadest 2009

Eesmärk- õppide tundma Pärnu kodulinna ja Pärnu linna maastikukaitsealasid, koostööoskuste arendamine erinevate kooliastmete õpilaste vahel
Kaugem eesmärk- 2010 aastaks peab Comenius projekti raames valmima ökobrošüür, kus tutvustatkse
Pärnu külalistele Pärnu huvitavamaid looduobjekte
Üldjuhendaja: Merike Palginõmm-keskkonnateenistuse haridusspetsialist
Lõpp-produkt- õpimapp kaitsealadest

Kuup. Klass Õpilaste Õpetajad Looduskaitse- või maastikukaitseala
arv nimetus
18.02.2009 XII c 31 Sirje Miglai Kaitsealad Pärnu linnas
25.02.2009 Xc 35 Sirje Miglai Kaitsealad Pärnu linnas
19.mai VIIa 14 Sirje Trisna Pärnu Rannaniidu
XI 6 Sirje Miglai Pärnu Koidula park
20.05.2009 VIIIc 8 Anu Kiisk Pärnu Rannaniidu looduskaitseala
Xc 6 Sirje Miglai
20.05.2009 Vb 7 Gerli Luks Pärnu Rannaniidu looduskaitseala
Xc 6 Sirje Miglai
25.05.2009 VIIIa 8 Eve Pampa Pärnu Rannaniidu looduskaitseala
XC 6 Sirje Miglai
12.05.2009 IIa 23 Tiiu Leibur Pärnu Rannaniidu Looduskaitseala
11.05.2009 Ib 24 Tiiu Vendel Pärnu Koidula park
Xc 6
Kokku 180

Kokkuvõtte koostas: Kaja Tammetalu

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Comenius I aasta kokkuvõtete tegemine

10. juunil kell 10.00 kogunes kogu Koidula Gümnaasiumi Comeniusprojekti tuumik, et teha kokkuvõtted aastast ning arutada eeleseisvat rahvusvahelist projektikohtumist Eestis- Pärnus. Arutati õpilastele organiseeritavaid ning õpetajatele orienteeritud tegevusi. Peale aktiivset arutelu jõuti ühistele sesiukohtadele, mille tulemusena valmis 16. - 18. septembri eestipoolne vastuvõtu kava.

Kaunist suvepuhkust kõigile!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Projektikoosolek Türgis - kokkuvõte

Minutes of the Comenius Meeting
Turkey, May 2009


Turkey: Serap Noyan

Estonia: Tiiu Leibur, Anu Kusk, Airi Metsaar, Meeli Janes, Kaja Tammetalu

Spain: Maria Jose Campello Navarro, Maria Jose Leira Ambros

Germany: Birgit Kapitza, Annet Friebel, Simone Stefenak

Ireland: Sharon Smith, Aoibheann Murray (Minute taker)

England: Paula Robbins

Website Report Generator – food diaries
This will become available online in the middle of September.
Decisions made:
• Different students to those who undertook the Pedometer tests will be used.
• This activity will be carried out by schools prior to the meeting in Ireland in November.
• Students must go online to complete the form.
• Ten students aged 14 years old are to complete the exercise.

Some countries have already started work on this. It was agreed that the film should be about the local area and each school is to include:
• an introduction about the area;
• details about the history of the region and the school
• and personalities of the region and the school.
The film is to be
• produced by students
• shown by the students at the meeting in Estonia in September.
• The length of the film should be no more than 10 minutes.
Each country is to bring a copy of the dvd for all other countries.

Ecotourism Booklet
The booklet should show details about
• the region
• linking tourism with environmental protection
• how the area looked in the past and
• what will make the region attractive for people to visit.
• what young people can do in the region

This should be no less than 5 pages and no more than 10 pages in length and made as a paper presentation.
The booklet should be ready to be shown at the meeting in Germany in May 2010.

Student Communication
Some countries advised that they would have difficulties in setting up video conferences. It was agreed that teachers will try to encourage students more to communicate with each other. A standardised question sheet could be used for them to send to each other initially. It was agreed that meetings in each country should be more focussed student involvement.

Future Activities – Calendar
Birgit (Germany) has a computer programme which will create the calendar and volunteered to put this together. Up to 12 photographs per school can be sent to Birgit who will then collate them and add them to the calendar. The photographs must be sent by March 2010 at the latest.

Feedback Students and Staff
The Estonian contingency presented pre-prepared feedback sheets for both staff and students to complete following visits to each country. All countries present agreed that these were a very good idea. These will be sent to each school electronically for them to use. They are to be completed by staff and students for each conference and the student findings are to be presented by the students.

Could each school please upload the presentations they make at each meeting up on to the Comenius website so that each country can access them once they return home.

Pedometer Results
A form will be emailed to each school by the Estonian group for the pedometer results to be filled in. This should then be sent back for them to collate the information and carry out comparisons and prepare a summary for the meeting in September.

Final Party in Estonia
Students on the visit to Estonia will be asked to teach a game, song or dance of their nationality to the other students. This should be prepared and presented by the students at the Estonian visit.

Could each school please advise Estonia of the number of students and staff who will be attending the meeting in September by no later than 15th June 2009. A maximum of 3 students please, but the number of staff is unlimited.

Could each school please advise Ireland of the number of students and staff who will be attending the meeting in November by no later than 1st September 2009. Again, a maximum of 3 students please.

Each school should advise Birgit what activities students would like to undertake during their visit to Germany and also what gifts they would like to receive whilst there.

by Paula Robbins |
PA to the Headteacher & Leadership Group
Personnel Officer and Clerk to Governors |
The North Halifax Grammar School

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Projektikohtumine Türgis

Fotodel: Foca linnapea ja Eesti delegatsioon, Airi ettekanne projekti tegevustest ja Tiiu ettekanne haridussüsteemist
27. mai - 1. juuni 2009 toimus Türgis YeniFoca linnas järjekordne rahvusvaheline koosolemine. Pärnu Koidula Gümnaasiumi esindusgruppi kuulusid: projekti koordinaator Kaja Tammetalu, õp Anu Kiisk ja õp Tiiu Leibur; lastest Siim Schvede ja Getter Ree 8c klassist.
29. mail toimus rahvusvaheline konverents Focas, kus tehti ettekandeid ning kuulati teiste riikide esitlusi haridussüsteemidest ning tehtud projektitööst. Meiepoolse esitluse esitas õp Tiiu Leibur.
Ühises arutluses anti aru toimunud projekti tegevustest ja planeeriti tegevusi Eesti kohtumiseks. Eestis plaanitakse näidata ning vaadata projektiparetnerite poolt tehtud filme (kooli ajalugu, tutvustus, lahiümbrus) kestvus 10 min; aasta tegevuste kokkuvõtete tegemine ning analüüs õpilaste ning õpetajate poolt (antud küsimustik ja eetepanek tehtud Koidula kooli koordinaatori Kaja poolt, mis kiideti igati heaks).
Otsustati hiljemalt sept 2010 - saata igal riigil max 12 fotot projekti tegevuste kajastusest projekti üldkoordinaatorile Sakasamaale, kes paneb kokku kalendri.
Eesti koosolekul tutvustab Hispaania oma veebilehekülge, mis on koostatud spetsiaalselt projekti toidupäevikute analüüsimiseks.
Ees on suur töö projektikoosoleku ettevalmistamiseks meie koolis.
Jõudu ja jaksu kõigile.


15. mail toimus meie koolis Eesti kahe kooli projektikohtumine. Arutati eestis toimuvat ning meie kooli ja Kehtna põhikooli poolt organiseeritavat Comenius projekti rahvusvahelist kohtumist 17. - 21. septembril 2009.a.
Arutati organisatsioonilisi küsimusi ning planeeriti tegevusi.